Information about Lyndhurst Nursery
Choosing someone to care for your child is an important, and sometimes difficult, decision. Here at Lyndhurst, we want to help you make an informed choice. In this section, you will find details of our range of discounts and promotions, as well as some frequently-asked questions.
Below are some typical questions that will help you find out the important things about any prospective nursery. Why not print it off and take it with you when you visit?
About the nursery or preschool
What are the opening times? What age range do they take? Do they offer part-time places?
Are fire alarms and fire extinguishers provided, and do both staff and children understand the fire drill?
Has your child’s security been properly considered – is access to the facility properly controlled?
Will the cleaning standards in rooms, kitchens and toilet facilities protect your child’s health?
What are the parking facilities, are they on the street or on-site?
About the nursery staff
Who is in charge? What experience in childcare and what qualifications does that person have?
Who will be personally responsible for your child’s progress, and how qualified is that person?
What is the ratio of staff to children, and how many of the staff are qualified? More than half the staff must hold a childcare qualification equivalent to NVQ3 (NNEB, BTEC).
Will more than one adult supervise your child’s group? What will happen in the case of an illness or emergency?
How many staff have been with the nursery for over a year? The stability of the staff is important to the continuity of the care provided.
How many of the staff are qualified in first aid?
The nursery care provided
What are the procedures for settling in new children?
What type of food is provided? What is the policy on biscuits and sweets? How do they cope with food allergies or special dietary needs?
Do the displays and equipment provide a challenging and stimulating environment for your child?
Will there be a planned progression of activities and skills throughout the year, or primarily just play?
What are the policies on discipline? How do you feel about them?
Have the children been taught to behave towards others in a thoughtful and considerate way?
Your child’s nursery needs
Are parents encouraged to visit the nursery and remain involved with their children’s development?
How are you kept informed of your child’s progress, activities and development?
Observations to make when you visit the nursery
Do the children look happy and relaxed? Are they interested in what they are doing?
Are the staff focused on the needs of the children or are they chatting to each other?
Is the building clean and pleasant? Are the toys clean and fairly new or worn out and dirty?
Do the children use the outdoor facilities regularly, and are there open-air play activities?
To arrange a visit to your nearest Lyndhurst Day Nursery, please call 01759 30 22 28. or email us on info@lyndhurstdn.com