The ‘key person’ approach to nursery childcare
Research has shown that a Key Person approach is the most effective way of ensuring that children develop a strong relationship with a significant adult in the nursery.
The Key Person
The Key Person approach gives every child the reassurance to feel secure and cared for, helping them to become familiar with the nursery environment and to feel confident and safe within it. We recognise every child’s individuality, efforts and achievements and believe that relationships between adults and children are crucial for the child’s happiness and security.
The Key Person meets the needs of each child in their care and responds sensitively to their feelings, ideas and behaviour. The Key Person will offer security, reassurance and continuity, and they will usually be the one to feed, change and soothe your child. They are in the best position to understand your child’s individual needs and to share information with you about your child’s experiences in nursery. The Key Person will help each of their children to develop relationships with other members of staff and children. They will observe them in their play so that they can plan future opportunities and experiences that best meet their needs and interests.