The Lyndhurst learning adventure
We embrace experimental development
At Lyndhurst, we believe in creating experiential learning opportunities by offering environments and activities that inspire the imagination and natural curiosity of the developing mind. Of course, we support exploration in a controlled and secure way, explaining the dangers of what might happen in certain situations, steering children away from unacceptable risk.
We provide safe environments, yet allow them to explore how they use the equipment available to them. In doing so, we build up ‘risk literacy’, an important aspect of development that encourages our children to learn how to keep themselves safe. A child’s development will involve many new experiences.
When each new exhilarating experience is successfully mastered it lays down the necessary skills for future development. It might start with their first faltering steps, to the ascent of stairs and learning how to pedal a tricycle. Children learn at an early age what it means to take a risk, albeit getting the occasional bump or scrape along the way. It gives the older child the essential courage, judgement skills and coping mechanisms to equip them to progress for instance, onto two wheels, or learn how to ride a horse and eventually to explore the big wide world.
‘Safe and sound’ nursery environment
Ofsted say in their publication, ‘Safe and Sound’, that ‘outstanding’ settings are those in which children learn how to keep themselves safe and have their concerns taken seriously. They are looked after by adults who are suitable, well qualified, and who fully understand their role. They will operate clear child safety procedures and assess and manage risks effectively.
A ‘can do’ approach to childcare
Lyndhurst Nursery staff are trained in managing risk and will not expose your child to unacceptable dangers, nor will they create a cotton-wool environment. Our policies, procedures and training are designed to promote a ‘can do’ approach providing the risk is assessed and controlled.
If an accident were to happen, our staff are trained in first aid and accident investigations enable us to learn and improve. We constantly strive to strike a balance between providing a rich learning environment and ensuring the health, safety and welfare of your child.