Our childcare & nursery safeguarding policy

Safeguarding and promoting children’s welfare forms a large part of our statutory responsibilities and covers most of the requirements of our registration with Ofsted (England).
All children deserve the opportunity to achieve their full potential. We follow the framework of the Every Child Matters government green paper which is structured around five outcomes which are key to a child’s well-being. In England, these form part of the statutory regulations.
The five outcomes are:
Stay safe – looking after the children’s welfare and ensuring a safe environment
Be healthy – safeguarding and promoting children’s health and well-being
Enjoy and achieve – supporting the children in their learning and development
Make a positive contribution – working together with parents and encouraging children to play a beneficial part in their nursery and wider community
Organisation – ensuring all government policies, procedures and practices are strictly followed
Stay safe
Effective child protection is essential to Lyndhurst. The welfare of every child we look after is paramount and everyone (including all staff, students, volunteers and visitors) has a responsibility to ensure that any areas of concern involving a child who may be at risk of harm, are recognised and dealt with immediately.
As a childcare provider, we have a moral duty of care to ensure that any concerns or incidents of suspected abuse or harm are reported to the relevant Local Safeguarding Children’s Board (LSCB) without delay.
Parents will be notified of all concerns and referrals unless we are advised differently by the LSCB.
We ensure the safety and security of the premises and equipment by the following means:
All equipment used is suitable and safe for the children.
All toys and equipment are checked regularly for safety.
All electrical equipment is checked annually.
Before opening, the nursery is checked every day by the team.
A fire risk assessment is completed every quarter for each setting.
A risk assessment for all new and current activities is carried out by nursery staff. They will balance educational gains of an activity against any potential risks.
Fire drill carried out every 3 to 4 months.
Fire alarm tested weekly
The safety of the children is maintained in the following ways:
All children must be signed in and out of the nursery.
Children are checked in and out for outdoor play which ensures that a child is never left unattended.
We also carry out an annual health and safety audit process as well as spontaneous checks by support staff.
We ban the use of mobile phones in our nursery rooms and only non-camera models are allowed for outside activities and emergencies.
Be healthy
Staff at Lyndhurst are trained in paediatric first aid. Infection control measures are in place including no outdoor shoes in baby rooms and stringent hand-washing procedures in all areas using gels and foams.
Enjoy and achieve
We create an environment that is conducive to learning and each child is assigned a Key Person. We support the children in their learning through active play and exploration by observing and assessing them and encouraging their creative thinking.
Make a positive contribution
We work together with parents to ensure children’s individual needs are met. Social inclusion is promoted and children are encouraged to behave in a respectful way to others around them.
We control the suitability of people within the nursery by adhering to these policies:
All Lyndhurst personnel have a DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) check. This is currently the highest level of checking available.
All new staff must have two employment references checked before starting at the nursery. We may ask for an additional education reference where applicable.
New staff require a current DBS (Disclosure and Barring Service) certificate before they are allowed to interact with children without supervision.
All adults collecting children from Lyndhurst will have to be nominated and identified beforehand and will need to quote an agreed password.
All external nursery doors are secure with CCTV at the entrances to identify visitors before entry is allowed.
Visitors are checked into and out of the nursery.
Any contractual staff have to be from an approved contractor list and must have a permit to work, never left alone / unattended while in nursery.
All documentation relating to policies and procedures can be viewed on request at all our Lyndhurst Day Nursery. Summaries of these policies are displayed on parents’ notice boards.